Assessment of students in Grade 9 and 10 English Medium in

SVGH School, Marteru, AP

Prize Money of 1000/- INR each

for top 25 students

Date of Competition

Nov 12, 2022

Grades Eligible

Students from Grades 9 and 10 in English Medium

Duration of the Tests

1 hour for Math and 45 min for Science

How to prepare for the competition

  1. Install IndiaExamPrep App from  on your parent’s android device before the test. 
  2. Study math and science one grade level below current grade. For example, If you are in Grade 10, complete all the chapter wise tests of  Grade 9 math and science from “CBSE” or “AP State” board. 
  3. Bring your android device to the school or exam center and test will be enabled by 9 AM on your device
  4. On the exam day, you would need to take the “Competitive” Test instead of “CBSE” or “State Boards”
  5. There is atleast one practice test available under “Competitive” Tests for you to practice to understand the level of difficulty 
  6. Please note that you can take the Practice test only once. If you get a message that you already attempted the test, take “ Test2” or “Test3” or “Test4”. 
  7. Carry a paper and pen to the exam. No calculator needed. 
  8. Exam will have 60 questions. Approximate time needed for Math is 1 hour and Time needed for Science is 45 min. 
  9. You need to get atleast 50% marks in Math and Science to be eligible for 1000/- INR cash prize. 

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